Ambassador Testimonies
About Maria DiGiovanni
FoRe! Ambassador Testimonies are required in The Ambassador Program's Coaching Program
The hardest thing to do is ask others to write a little something about You. As a FoRe! Ambassador, sometimes we are called to be a tool God uses in the lives of those around us. As we move FoRe!ward in getting all of our paperwork in, please see the following and know you will be asked to do the same. It's humbling, yet, also a reminder of the power of obedience. Funny when you finally say. . . 'Whatever God' - no sarcasm - just submission, how amazing He directs your path! Enjoy the Ride and Are You Ready? ~MD
Ambassador Testimonies FoRe! Maria DiGiovanni:
I would like to take this opportunity to discuss an aspect of my relationship with Maria DiGiovanni that resulted in a life change for me. However, “life-change” is a misnomer, and although the events took place years ago, looking back it is clear to me that they were, in effect, "life-saving". I was at a point in my life where I was in a state of continual confusion, insecurity and, while not clinically so, depression. I could not for the life of me understand why I felt so bad so often. To the outside world, my friends, relatives, associates & coworkers everything appear normal, even "better than normal". But for me, I felt as if life were anything BUT normal. I felt confused, disoriented, despondent, and basically just a shell of the person I used to be.
Enter Maria. She had been a friend for a number of years. It was her and her alone who could see through the veneer that was successfully fooling the rest of the world. She possessed a clarity of vision into what was happening to me. She could see the reality of the situation.
But it did not end there. Maria possesses a rare combination of talents: perception + communication. She was able to not only see what was going on in my life that resulted in my personal anguish, but she was also able to communicate it to me in a non-threatening manner. In a way, I was able to realize the situation, the gravity of it, and to take positive action. I sometimes reflect back on what Maria did for me and I shudder to think of what might have been had she not been there for me. It is because of her exceptional empathy, sympathy, & communication skills that I will be forever grateful to her.
Tom H – Aerospace Engineer
I was raised Catholic, however, always felt something was missing. Maria helped me in two significant ways in establishing a true relationship with God.
Maria taught me to always trust in the Lord. When you begin to have doubts, keep telling yourself God is by your side; the more you repeat it to yourself the more you will believe and your relationship with the Lord will grow. When you are being tested, believe God will bring you through it. This profound, but simple advice had a major impact on me. The more I turned to the Lord, the smaller my problems seemed.
In the year 2000, I was looking for a Christian Church to attend. I tried several churches close to home, however, they were either too small, too large, or I just didn’t feel comfortable. Maria recommended a church in Anaheim; what a turning point in my spiritual life. Since finding that Church my relationship with God has grown more than I ever believed possible. I have daily devotional time with the Lord, volunteer wherever and whenever possible, and have even hosted a small group in my home.
Maria continues to help me grow in my spiritual life by giving me sound advice, being supportive, and being a great friend. I am thankful the Lord brought Maria into my life(1980).
Rick Acaba - Sales
Dear Maria,
Let me say that getting to know you and our conversations regarding spirituality, have certainly reminded me that in any future relationship I have with another woman needs to have "GOD" in the center. My personal belief does not revolve around the scripture or the teachings of Christ per-say; however, the bible has some fundamental truths that everyone can learn from. My time spent with you and our open dialog into spirituality, with the ease that you express your beliefs and the impact that it has made in your life, teaches me to keep an open mind. I believe that anyone working with you can improve their life in a positive manner given the time and desire of the person who needs healing.
God Bless,
Jonathon Aslay
Until I was 25, I did not have a clear understanding of what it meant to be "saved" or to be a "Christian". People whom I viewed as religious often scared me by yelling at me that I was going to hell for my sins, or throwing bible verses in my face whenever I did something wrong. Up until that time, I didn't know you made a conscious decision about being Christian, I just thought you either believed or you didn't. I certainly believed in God and said my prayers at night, but other than that, God did not figure in my life much at all, until I met Maria.
Maria has opened my eyes and my heart to God. She has helped me truly understand that God loves all of us, God made all of us different with each person having special gifts, God is a loving God who does not get mad at you, and God is there whenever you are ready for him to be there, in good times and in bad. Maria has also taught me that God never gives you more than you can handle and will always be by your side as you "walk through the valley of the shadow of death."
One thing I do know for sure is that God is real, that He loves each one of us equally and He weighs everything and everyone on just scales - love, mercy, and grace. God knows what is in your heart.
My life is not one big bed of roses and I struggle with day-to-day things like the next person but I'm never alone, never left to my own devices, or feel like there's no way out. With Maria's help, I now understand that when I have a problem, issue, concern, or worry, I should not try to handle it on my own. I need to give it to God and let him take care of it because he knows what I need. Maria has shown me that there is a God, He loves you, He wants a relationship with you (not just in times of trouble), and most importantly, Maria has taught me that it's not about religion, but it's about having a relationship with God.
Watching Maria open her heart to God, and learning from this, has truly made me understand what it means to be Christian.
Tamara McMahan – Aerospace Contracts
It is my pleasure to write about Maria DiGiovanni and how she has helped me. We met a few years ago at an organization that helps survivors of abuse. I had been suffering from anxiety and an addiction to the relationship I was in. It was difficult to get out of bed each day, and I was failing miserably at being a parent to my young daughter. I was referred by a friend and I was greeted by Maria at the door since she was a teacher. The moment I met her, a friendship that I have never before experienced was forged. She knew exactly where I was in life since she herself had been there. She was nothing but kind, loving, and encouraging. She did not judge me for my actions and never made me feel ashamed. It was her unconditional love that encouraged me to continue to come to the classes she taught. Maria made herself available to me and would talk to me whenever I needed someone to be a sounding board or if I needed advice. That is so crucial at the early
stages of recovery!
I finished the classes and through Maria's encouragement, became a teacher myself. Looking back, I realize that Maria and I made a commitment to each other and to God to only look up and forward and to commit our lives to the service of God by assisting our fellow man. We drifted away from WIN after a while as we were called for other purposes by Him. I have watched Maria transform into the strong, intelligent, honest, beautiful, and stellar woman God created her to be. Her integrity is unquestionable, her drive is unstoppable, and her life is an example. I don't know what God has in store for Maria, but I know that because she is willing and she is passionate about serving Him, her Life is and will continue to be abundantly prosperous and successful.
I am proud to consider Maria my best friend and am fortunate to continually be blessed by her wonderful qualities.
The Angel at the Door
Who should meet me when all was lost
When I felt I could take no more
But the most beautiful woman I have ever met
The Angel at the Door
Life was colorless and painful
I had no answers or hope,
It was a smile, a hug, and a knowing look,
A friend who tossed me a rope
She gave me strength, support and love
An ear to listen, and arms to hug
She taught me lessons and gave me tools
And very gently began to tug
She has been my mentor and a best friend
And taught me importance of female friendship,
How important it is to be true to yourself
And that it must be God that we ultimately worship
Now we walk side by side
Looking out beyond the known
To have faith in Him
And to reap what we have sown
This Angel at the Door
Who met me so long ago
I love her so dearly
And thought she should know
I will not leave you
And there is still so much to be done
Lets see this through together
Until His will has won.
Coreen R. Walson, Esq.
ACIM Facilitator
A few years ago I was still in a very difficult position in my life after 4 years of continuously bad luck in my business. I was questioning my self if all my problems could be solved in any way possible. I always believed in God but after so many bad things that happened to me I was started to question my self if "He" exist. To be honest I needed to feel that we are not alone in this life & a higher power takes care about us in different ways.
I was praying many times if it was possible to get away out of all my problems, but I started to lose my faith in "Him"... it was hard to think to live.
One night it was like a dream when Tracy called me to come to USA for Mrs. Globe pageant & it felt already that something mysterious but Holy was on my way. Then I came in Newport & met Maria as one of the staff of the organization. I was admiring the way she worked & talk to people & she felt like a woman that likes to help. I didn't know why but as soon as I started to chat with her, I felt a peace in my heart & started to think God again..
After many conversations we had, I was sure & confident that God is there for me & sent his Angel to help & guide me. I had a new reason to live. Maria was God's Angel ...
We are still very close friends & she is the person that I could rely on, when I need. I could write many things about her but one is the fact. She is a child of God & helps all the people asked for her help.
Bless you Maria & thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Takis Drossos
Crete, Greece
I am taught then when u bask in great news and events, be grateful and acknowledge the people who took you that way so here goes!
Just a special shout out recently to some people who have made a difference in my life that I gotta express...since today is my day of gratitude we all have a Cinderella in us and a fairy godmother appears when we feel there is nothing ... a long time ago a woman named Maria DiGiovanni talked to me on the phone and took me out of a place mentally of fear and anxiety and anger and helped me see my inner princess and evolve the Marilyn I was into a Grace Kelly and started the whole transformation back in Las Vegas, I have yet to meet my Fairy Godmother but her gift of healing and empowering women into the icons they are meant to be and still keeping a smile on her face ... I never realized how people we may never meet or just talk by phone can create series of change and lead us to one after another angel... so for the hard work and u all put up with thank you for allowing me to trust again and feel accepted.
S. Diane - Actor, Model
Ambassador Testimonies
Becky Christensen
Your coaching has transformed me my friend .. accountabilities
Lynda Bergh
What is FoRe! doing for me? Encouraging me to be more accountable to my platform and commitments related to raising awareness of my platform and those of others affiliated with FoRe!, creating, building, and enriching relationships with others who are giving of themselves and their expertise to those who need assistance in their areas, has led to a little "street cred" so to speak regarding my work related to my platform and, I believe, has had the same effect with/for other Ambassadors ... ultimately FoRe! helps raise awareness of some platforms that do not receive enough publicity (for lack of a better word), such as ALS, TAC, etc. Platforms that actually matter to a lot of people. Is FoRe! worth having in my life? Absolutely!
Vicki Christensen
FoRe is my “Community of Comfort”. A sense of belonging to something much bigger than ourselves. Filled with compassion, caring & choices. To strive to be better today than yesterday. All things are possible through Faith.
One simple word, To Believe.
Bobbi Jeen Olson
I am grateful for you sharing on social media and I can see where more individuals have liked, shared, followed because of it! I am grateful for the support and encouragement I receive!
Marie Waldrep
FoRe! is a sisterhood/family that helps keep me going. It inspires me to be the best me so in time I can help others where needed. I love that most all the ambassadors are believers in Jesus Christ and share the same values. I believe FoRe! is worth having in my life. We put out so much positives with all we do. If any negative it’s of the enemy and we know it. Life isn’t easy God never said it would be, but He did tell us to bear one another’s burdens and praying for one another. Stay strong and vigilant because the enemy goes around like a roaring lion to seek who he may devour!
Rene Hamlet
FoRe! is definitely worth having in my life. It has given me hope and a family I can rely on. I felt lost in my healing before FoRe! but after getting involved and talking with the other women who have been through similar, I finally felt hope and saw a light at the end of the tunnel. FoRe! also gives me a voice not only for myself but others!
Shannon Cross
FoRe! Is a gift from God a reflection of women that can stand up after being beaten down. A light at the end of a tunnel, a game-changer, love like no other, a family, a sisterhood, a blessing!
Tamara Savino
Fellowship and Friendship. A beautiful support system of men and women who are FoRe! each other and Christ ... and giving our hearts to help others. FoRe! Has been there for me and we are there FoRe! each other which is a gift from Heaven. It is worth having in my life.
Jamie Dearing
FoRe! Has given me a sisterhood of like-minded precious faith women that love me unconditionally. These sisters in Christ elevate me, encourage, and pray for me. They inspire me! They hold me accountable to my goals and dreams God has created and purposed me for, standing together firmly united in God’s Word! These Sisters have walked beside me in my deepest, darkest valleys of life and they have celebrated the glorious victories! I am grateful to be part of this ministry and am honored to be crowned Ms. North America Ambassador FoRe! The AMERICAN Cowboy.
Cora Dana
FoRe! Has brought the most supportive group into my life. It’s nice to know that even if we’re miles apart I can still reach out. It’s absolutely worth having in my life
Breanna Caras
For me FoRe! Is an exclusive group that covers each other in prayer and encouragement. Together and individually we are a FoRce to reckon with. For me knowing I have a support system of friends and strangers helps me to have the courage to stand up for Suicide Prevention.
The hardest thing to do is ask others to write a little something about You. As a FoRe! Ambassador, sometimes we are called to be a tool God uses in the lives of those around us. As we move FoRe!ward in getting all of our paperwork in, please see the following and know you will be asked to do the same. It's humbling, yet, also a reminder of the power of obedience. Funny when you finally say. . . 'Whatever God' - no sarcasm - just submission, how amazing He directs your path! Enjoy the Ride and Are You Ready? ~MD
Ambassador Testimonies FoRe! Maria DiGiovanni:
I would like to take this opportunity to discuss an aspect of my relationship with Maria DiGiovanni that resulted in a life change for me. However, “life-change” is a misnomer, and although the events took place years ago, looking back it is clear to me that they were, in effect, "life-saving". I was at a point in my life where I was in a state of continual confusion, insecurity and, while not clinically so, depression. I could not for the life of me understand why I felt so bad so often. To the outside world, my friends, relatives, associates & coworkers everything appear normal, even "better than normal". But for me, I felt as if life were anything BUT normal. I felt confused, disoriented, despondent, and basically just a shell of the person I used to be.
Enter Maria. She had been a friend for a number of years. It was her and her alone who could see through the veneer that was successfully fooling the rest of the world. She possessed a clarity of vision into what was happening to me. She could see the reality of the situation.
But it did not end there. Maria possesses a rare combination of talents: perception + communication. She was able to not only see what was going on in my life that resulted in my personal anguish, but she was also able to communicate it to me in a non-threatening manner. In a way, I was able to realize the situation, the gravity of it, and to take positive action. I sometimes reflect back on what Maria did for me and I shudder to think of what might have been had she not been there for me. It is because of her exceptional empathy, sympathy, & communication skills that I will be forever grateful to her.
Tom H – Aerospace Engineer
I was raised Catholic, however, always felt something was missing. Maria helped me in two significant ways in establishing a true relationship with God.
Maria taught me to always trust in the Lord. When you begin to have doubts, keep telling yourself God is by your side; the more you repeat it to yourself the more you will believe and your relationship with the Lord will grow. When you are being tested, believe God will bring you through it. This profound, but simple advice had a major impact on me. The more I turned to the Lord, the smaller my problems seemed.
In the year 2000, I was looking for a Christian Church to attend. I tried several churches close to home, however, they were either too small, too large, or I just didn’t feel comfortable. Maria recommended a church in Anaheim; what a turning point in my spiritual life. Since finding that Church my relationship with God has grown more than I ever believed possible. I have daily devotional time with the Lord, volunteer wherever and whenever possible, and have even hosted a small group in my home.
Maria continues to help me grow in my spiritual life by giving me sound advice, being supportive, and being a great friend. I am thankful the Lord brought Maria into my life(1980).
Rick Acaba - Sales
Dear Maria,
Let me say that getting to know you and our conversations regarding spirituality, have certainly reminded me that in any future relationship I have with another woman needs to have "GOD" in the center. My personal belief does not revolve around the scripture or the teachings of Christ per-say; however, the bible has some fundamental truths that everyone can learn from. My time spent with you and our open dialog into spirituality, with the ease that you express your beliefs and the impact that it has made in your life, teaches me to keep an open mind. I believe that anyone working with you can improve their life in a positive manner given the time and desire of the person who needs healing.
God Bless,
Jonathon Aslay
Until I was 25, I did not have a clear understanding of what it meant to be "saved" or to be a "Christian". People whom I viewed as religious often scared me by yelling at me that I was going to hell for my sins, or throwing bible verses in my face whenever I did something wrong. Up until that time, I didn't know you made a conscious decision about being Christian, I just thought you either believed or you didn't. I certainly believed in God and said my prayers at night, but other than that, God did not figure in my life much at all, until I met Maria.
Maria has opened my eyes and my heart to God. She has helped me truly understand that God loves all of us, God made all of us different with each person having special gifts, God is a loving God who does not get mad at you, and God is there whenever you are ready for him to be there, in good times and in bad. Maria has also taught me that God never gives you more than you can handle and will always be by your side as you "walk through the valley of the shadow of death."
One thing I do know for sure is that God is real, that He loves each one of us equally and He weighs everything and everyone on just scales - love, mercy, and grace. God knows what is in your heart.
My life is not one big bed of roses and I struggle with day-to-day things like the next person but I'm never alone, never left to my own devices, or feel like there's no way out. With Maria's help, I now understand that when I have a problem, issue, concern, or worry, I should not try to handle it on my own. I need to give it to God and let him take care of it because he knows what I need. Maria has shown me that there is a God, He loves you, He wants a relationship with you (not just in times of trouble), and most importantly, Maria has taught me that it's not about religion, but it's about having a relationship with God.
Watching Maria open her heart to God, and learning from this, has truly made me understand what it means to be Christian.
Tamara McMahan – Aerospace Contracts
It is my pleasure to write about Maria DiGiovanni and how she has helped me. We met a few years ago at an organization that helps survivors of abuse. I had been suffering from anxiety and an addiction to the relationship I was in. It was difficult to get out of bed each day, and I was failing miserably at being a parent to my young daughter. I was referred by a friend and I was greeted by Maria at the door since she was a teacher. The moment I met her, a friendship that I have never before experienced was forged. She knew exactly where I was in life since she herself had been there. She was nothing but kind, loving, and encouraging. She did not judge me for my actions and never made me feel ashamed. It was her unconditional love that encouraged me to continue to come to the classes she taught. Maria made herself available to me and would talk to me whenever I needed someone to be a sounding board or if I needed advice. That is so crucial at the early
stages of recovery!
I finished the classes and through Maria's encouragement, became a teacher myself. Looking back, I realize that Maria and I made a commitment to each other and to God to only look up and forward and to commit our lives to the service of God by assisting our fellow man. We drifted away from WIN after a while as we were called for other purposes by Him. I have watched Maria transform into the strong, intelligent, honest, beautiful, and stellar woman God created her to be. Her integrity is unquestionable, her drive is unstoppable, and her life is an example. I don't know what God has in store for Maria, but I know that because she is willing and she is passionate about serving Him, her Life is and will continue to be abundantly prosperous and successful.
I am proud to consider Maria my best friend and am fortunate to continually be blessed by her wonderful qualities.
The Angel at the Door
Who should meet me when all was lost
When I felt I could take no more
But the most beautiful woman I have ever met
The Angel at the Door
Life was colorless and painful
I had no answers or hope,
It was a smile, a hug, and a knowing look,
A friend who tossed me a rope
She gave me strength, support and love
An ear to listen, and arms to hug
She taught me lessons and gave me tools
And very gently began to tug
She has been my mentor and a best friend
And taught me importance of female friendship,
How important it is to be true to yourself
And that it must be God that we ultimately worship
Now we walk side by side
Looking out beyond the known
To have faith in Him
And to reap what we have sown
This Angel at the Door
Who met me so long ago
I love her so dearly
And thought she should know
I will not leave you
And there is still so much to be done
Lets see this through together
Until His will has won.
Coreen R. Walson, Esq.
ACIM Facilitator
A few years ago I was still in a very difficult position in my life after 4 years of continuously bad luck in my business. I was questioning my self if all my problems could be solved in any way possible. I always believed in God but after so many bad things that happened to me I was started to question my self if "He" exist. To be honest I needed to feel that we are not alone in this life & a higher power takes care about us in different ways.
I was praying many times if it was possible to get away out of all my problems, but I started to lose my faith in "Him"... it was hard to think to live.
One night it was like a dream when Tracy called me to come to USA for Mrs. Globe pageant & it felt already that something mysterious but Holy was on my way. Then I came in Newport & met Maria as one of the staff of the organization. I was admiring the way she worked & talk to people & she felt like a woman that likes to help. I didn't know why but as soon as I started to chat with her, I felt a peace in my heart & started to think God again..
After many conversations we had, I was sure & confident that God is there for me & sent his Angel to help & guide me. I had a new reason to live. Maria was God's Angel ...
We are still very close friends & she is the person that I could rely on, when I need. I could write many things about her but one is the fact. She is a child of God & helps all the people asked for her help.
Bless you Maria & thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Takis Drossos
Crete, Greece
I am taught then when u bask in great news and events, be grateful and acknowledge the people who took you that way so here goes!
Just a special shout out recently to some people who have made a difference in my life that I gotta express...since today is my day of gratitude we all have a Cinderella in us and a fairy godmother appears when we feel there is nothing ... a long time ago a woman named Maria DiGiovanni talked to me on the phone and took me out of a place mentally of fear and anxiety and anger and helped me see my inner princess and evolve the Marilyn I was into a Grace Kelly and started the whole transformation back in Las Vegas, I have yet to meet my Fairy Godmother but her gift of healing and empowering women into the icons they are meant to be and still keeping a smile on her face ... I never realized how people we may never meet or just talk by phone can create series of change and lead us to one after another angel... so for the hard work and u all put up with thank you for allowing me to trust again and feel accepted.
S. Diane - Actor, Model
Ambassador Testimonies
Becky Christensen
Your coaching has transformed me my friend .. accountabilities
Lynda Bergh
What is FoRe! doing for me? Encouraging me to be more accountable to my platform and commitments related to raising awareness of my platform and those of others affiliated with FoRe!, creating, building, and enriching relationships with others who are giving of themselves and their expertise to those who need assistance in their areas, has led to a little "street cred" so to speak regarding my work related to my platform and, I believe, has had the same effect with/for other Ambassadors ... ultimately FoRe! helps raise awareness of some platforms that do not receive enough publicity (for lack of a better word), such as ALS, TAC, etc. Platforms that actually matter to a lot of people. Is FoRe! worth having in my life? Absolutely!
Vicki Christensen
FoRe is my “Community of Comfort”. A sense of belonging to something much bigger than ourselves. Filled with compassion, caring & choices. To strive to be better today than yesterday. All things are possible through Faith.
One simple word, To Believe.
Bobbi Jeen Olson
I am grateful for you sharing on social media and I can see where more individuals have liked, shared, followed because of it! I am grateful for the support and encouragement I receive!
Marie Waldrep
FoRe! is a sisterhood/family that helps keep me going. It inspires me to be the best me so in time I can help others where needed. I love that most all the ambassadors are believers in Jesus Christ and share the same values. I believe FoRe! is worth having in my life. We put out so much positives with all we do. If any negative it’s of the enemy and we know it. Life isn’t easy God never said it would be, but He did tell us to bear one another’s burdens and praying for one another. Stay strong and vigilant because the enemy goes around like a roaring lion to seek who he may devour!
Rene Hamlet
FoRe! is definitely worth having in my life. It has given me hope and a family I can rely on. I felt lost in my healing before FoRe! but after getting involved and talking with the other women who have been through similar, I finally felt hope and saw a light at the end of the tunnel. FoRe! also gives me a voice not only for myself but others!
Shannon Cross
FoRe! Is a gift from God a reflection of women that can stand up after being beaten down. A light at the end of a tunnel, a game-changer, love like no other, a family, a sisterhood, a blessing!
Tamara Savino
Fellowship and Friendship. A beautiful support system of men and women who are FoRe! each other and Christ ... and giving our hearts to help others. FoRe! Has been there for me and we are there FoRe! each other which is a gift from Heaven. It is worth having in my life.
Jamie Dearing
FoRe! Has given me a sisterhood of like-minded precious faith women that love me unconditionally. These sisters in Christ elevate me, encourage, and pray for me. They inspire me! They hold me accountable to my goals and dreams God has created and purposed me for, standing together firmly united in God’s Word! These Sisters have walked beside me in my deepest, darkest valleys of life and they have celebrated the glorious victories! I am grateful to be part of this ministry and am honored to be crowned Ms. North America Ambassador FoRe! The AMERICAN Cowboy.
Cora Dana
FoRe! Has brought the most supportive group into my life. It’s nice to know that even if we’re miles apart I can still reach out. It’s absolutely worth having in my life
Breanna Caras
For me FoRe! Is an exclusive group that covers each other in prayer and encouragement. Together and individually we are a FoRce to reckon with. For me knowing I have a support system of friends and strangers helps me to have the courage to stand up for Suicide Prevention.